1. Install MetaMask and Add ETH
Install Metamask Extension and Create an Account at metamask.io. Make sure your account has some ETH; you can buy ETH directly on MetaMask.
2. Connect MetaMask to Uniswap
Go to Uniswap and Connect MetaMask to Uniswap: Click Connect, select Token, then paste the contract:
3. Swap ETH for ATO
Connect your MetaMask to Uniswap and proceed to swap Ethereum for ATO tokens.
4. Adjust Slippage and Gas Fees
Use the right amount of slippage (0.5%-1%), if transaction doesn’t work increase gas on MetaMask..
5. Import ATO Token to MetaMask
To see your $ATO in your Metamask go into tokens, at the end click on import tokens, then click on Custom Token and paste the contract: and import.